Digital Marketing Services
The digital marketing campaigns offered by Ruby Porter Marketing & Design combine the power of search engine optimization (SEO), social media and content marketing, and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. With our proven techniques, we will get your site to rank higher in the search engines, keep your valued customers engaged with your brand and bring in new customers.
Why is Digital Marketing Important?

No other medium has a more powerful ability to attract new customers than your website. First, it’s important to design and develop a website which invites and informs customers. Next, it’s imperative to expose your site to as many potential customers as possible and keep the most valued of those connected to your business. This is where digital marketing comes in.
Using search engines like Google is the preferred research avenue for customers looking for products and services, but if your business doesn’t show up on the first page of results, it hardly matters. In fact, 68% of searchers click on the top 5 results in Google, and only 6% click past the first page. With our tried and true SEO approach, we will work to get your site to the top page of search results.
SEO is undoubtedly the most important tool in the digital marketing toolbox, but it surely isn’t the only one. While many companies focus solely on SEO, we prefer a more balanced approach. Attracting new customers is a difficult process which is why it’s so important to keep the ones you have. Returning customers are extremely valuable. For the average American business, repeat customers make up only 8% of purchasers but generate a whopping 40% of revenue. We understand the value of these customers and work to keep them engaged through social media marketing.
We also offer to run your PPC advertising campaigns such as Google AdWords. SEO is a long-term game. It takes time to see results, but with PPC advertising, you can see a much faster return and build brand awareness in the process. Although PPC advertising isn’t nearly as lucrative as it was in its early days, it can be very effective in conjunction with SEO. Most people only see the value of PPC advertising in the immediate sales it generates, but search ads can be an effective means of raising brand awareness, in some cases by as much as 80%.
See how we can help improve your marketing strategy!
Contact us for a personalized consultation.