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3 Amazing Free Resources for Learning SEO

In 2016, $65 billion was spent on search engine optimization (SEO) in the US alone! This shows how large an industry SEO has become over the last few years. Even though SEO has become very lucrative, most high schools and colleges don’t offer any formal SEO training for their students. So what should those trying to learn SEO do?

Learning SEO is a daunting challenge that can easily intimidate even the most intrepid among us. But do not fear! There are a bunch of great tools and resources that you can find for free that will help a lot.   Whether you’re somebody fresh out of college who needs to learn SEO skills for a new job or you’re a small business owner trying to make the most out of your website, the following tools and resources are just what you need.


Moz is an absolutely phenomenal resource especially for those who are brand new to all things SEO. I highly recommend that everyone start their SEO schooling with Moz. While they do offer paid tools and services, there is more than enough free content available to establish a solid SEO foundation.

Moz’s “Learn SEO” will go a long way in giving you a basic understanding of the core principles surrounding SEO.

Moz also has a great blog which typically has a new post every Monday through Friday. Their blog posts tend to be geared toward an intermediate to advanced audience, but you’ll probably find a topic that is applicable to you fairly often.

In addition to their learning section and blog, Moz has cultivated a great community and runs an excellent forum where you can post about specific issues you are experiencing. Overall, Moz is a fantastic resource for new SEO’s.

Search Engine Land

Something you’ll learn fairly quickly is that SEO is constantly adapting and evolving. It’s extremely important for SEO’s to stay up to date with industry news and trends. Search Engine Land works wonderfully in this regard. New posts are submitted to their blog multiple times a day that cover a wide variety of topics from new strategies to industry news.

Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog’s SEO Spider Tool application crawls a site and then provides a bunch of useful information for SEO purposes. While the free version only allows you to crawl 500 pages at a time, this will be more than enough for someone running a smaller site. Find broken links, see your meta titles and descriptions, and find pages with error statuses. This is a great tool for diagnosing technical problems with your website. While the paid version of their tool offers a hefty amount of added functionality, give the free version a spin before deciding if you need the paid version.

Hopefully, you’ll find these different resources to help you accomplish what you need to. If not, Ruby Porter Marketing & Design is always here to help you with any needs you might have. Give us a call today!

Ruby Porter is a full service digital marketing and advertising agency in Eugene, Oregon that works with clients all over the country. We're here to share our best tips and favorite trends for SEO, marketing, website and app user design. Contact us to see how we can help boost your brand!

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