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How to Boost Your Search Engine Rankings

Is your business struggling to get found online? Are you still showing up on page 3 or later on a Google search? If so, this blog is for you. Boost your search engine rankings with some advice from an SEO expert.

Google AdWords

Google AdWords is a pay-per-click advertising service that allows marketers to display advertising copy about a business to web users on a Google search. AdWords are the snip its of businesses that show up on the top and to the side of a Google search (outlined in pink above). A lot of businesses will pay for Google AdWords and then won’t utilize it to its full potential. That’s why hiring an advertising team like Ruby Porter to handle the keyword research, SEO maintenance, and copywriting of your Google AdWords will help get your money’s worth. We’ll get your AdWords account all set up and take care of everything in between!

Quality Copywriting

If the content on your website or social media isn’t valuable and doesn’t have an SEO strategy, it will get lost in the clutter of the internet. One blog that has compelling or useful copy that is optimized for search engine rankings is going to perform better than three blogs that are grammatically incorrect or irrelevant to your business. Having a robust content profile spread out over months and even years is given high importance in terms of impact on your search engine rankings. Your audience will be much more likely to share or visit your website if they like the content you’re posting. This is why it’s important to leave the copywriting to a professional, like Ruby Porter!

Responsive Website Design

If you missed our last blog on why your website needs to be responsive, here’s a quick summary. First off, a responsive website is a design that is optimized across a variety of platforms (desktops, mobile phones, tablets, etc.) with minimal scrolling, panning, and resizing. So, why is it so important? Not only does it give your customer a more positive mobile experience (it’s all about smartphones these days), but Google will also like your website better. Seriously. Earlier this year Google released an update to its search ranking algorithm that favors mobile-friendly websites (A.K.A. responsive website designs).

Link Building

Does your website have external links? External links, also known in the SEO world as link building, are hyperlinks to another website other than the website the link exists on. By linking to other websites and other websites linking to you, you are link building. Why does this matter? Studies have shown a correlation between search engine rankings and external links on a website. By linking your content to credible websites not only does it create a better web experience for your customer, but Google will also give you some brownie points.

Invest in Online Marketing

What it comes down to is that in order to boost your search engine rankings you need an online marketing strategy that encompasses all of these factors. This is often times easier said than done. An online marketing campaign (OMC) needs to be consistent, professional, and most of all evolving. The time to invest in an online marketing team like Ruby Porter is now. Think about it, you don’t spend a dime on Facebook or Twitter, so why not spend some money to have someone else manage it? A study found that 41% of businesses struggle to create enough content for their website, which is why hiring copywriting services can help. For more information on our online marketing services, visit our website or contact us today!

Ruby Porter is a full service digital marketing and advertising agency in Eugene, Oregon that works with clients all over the country. We're here to share our best tips and favorite trends for SEO, marketing, website and app user design. Contact us to see how we can help boost your brand!

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