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5 Tips for a Better Facebook Ad Campaign

Facebook Ad usage is at an all time high and is extremely competitive based on the constraints that Facebook is putting on brands. Companies are constantly looking for ways to create more brand awareness and, overall, more traffic on their websites. So, Facebook Ads have become a popular strategy. Here are some tips on how to make the best of this service for your business.

1. Establish How Much You Want to Spend

Bigger companies usually have to spend a lot more money on Facebook Ads because of the broad audiences they want to target. When determining how much to spend, Facebook will usually do its best to try and allocate your money based on the targeting of your campaign. You can always play around with the ad to see the prospective reach you can have.

2. Use Great Images

With Facebook recently introducing a new algorithm to display more family content than brand content, more companies are gravitating towards paid ads on Facebook. Although bigger companies have the power to invest a lot of money in photography for Facebook Ads, it is important for smaller businesses to have great visuals in order to appeal to the local market. Visuals are essentially what attracts the eye, and after that it’s about having the engaging aspect in the ad. It is important for the image to have little text; Facebook generally requires ads to only have 20% text in the picture. Need help finding the right photo? There are great websites that offer free stock photos. If you want something more customized that will stand out, at Ruby Porter we specialize in graphic design. Contact us today!

3. Create a Custom Audience

Global and national companies have the ability to create broader Facebook ads due to the budgeting flexibility, but for small-to-midsize businesses it’s important to hone in on the specific audience you are trying to reach. Facebook will give you audience options to choose from, but it is best to create your own based on the demographic you are looking to advertise to.

4. Have a Clear Objective and a Clear Call to Action

The first thing that needs to be established before building your Facebook Ad is the objective. Do you want more brand awareness, more purchases, or more website traffic? Creating a Facebook Ad without a clear and measurable objective can turn out to be a waste of money. Within the objective of your Facebook Ad, do you want to also create the call-to-action? Do you want the audience to like your page, make a purchase, or enter a contest on your page? Having a simple Facebook Ad with just a slogan and a picture isn’t going to make the audience engage.

5. Keep Text Short and to The Point

When creating your ad, don’t include a lot of text. You want to have your Facebook Ad be as visually appealing as possible which is why most companies usually include one sentence in the ad and a few words around the visual. See examples here.

If you are looking to build an online marketing campaign in addition to Facebook Ads, read our blog on 6 tips for a successful online marketing campaign.  When building a Facebook Ad contact us at Ruby Porter for greater consultation. We have experts who understand social media and graphic design.

Ruby Porter is a full service digital marketing and advertising agency in Eugene, Oregon that works with clients all over the country. We're here to share our best tips and favorite trends for SEO, marketing, website and app user design. Contact us to see how we can help boost your brand!

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