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Is Poor Website Design Killing Your Eugene Small Business?

In 2017, the first encounters that consumers have with businesses most often occur in the digital realm. In fact, the vast majority of buyers conduct some form of research online before making a purchase. This means that your company’s website often serves as the first interaction that a potential customer will have with your business. Your business is losing potential customers every day that your website fails to live up to today’s expectations for what a business’s online presence should be. Here are the ways that your website could be keeping you from being as competitive as you could be.

Bad User Experience

Accomplishing the basics of SEO is no longer adequate to rank on the first page for your keywords. Yes, it’s important, but it’s only half of the picture. The other half is making sure that your website provides users with a good experience. This means that your site is easily navigable, inviting and comforting. Important information should be displayed prominently, so users can quickly learn what they want to know about your business, products, services, etc.

Imagine going to your business’s website for the first time from the point of view of a potential customer. Is the most important information about you and your services easy to find? Is there anything that is obviously off-putting such as a clashing color scheme? What potential improvements can you come up with to make the user experience of your site as clean, quick, and efficient as possible? Go make them.

Not Optimizing for Mobile Devices

After Google announced their mobile first index last fall, it has become absolutely imperative that you have a mobile or responsive version of your website. The majority of internet searches (58 percent) are now performed on mobile devices, so if your website doesn’t look good on mobile, you are eliminating over half of internet searchers.

Content Isn’t Readable or Scannable

Have you reflected on how the content on your landing pages is organized? First, content needs to be readable. That means having a legible font, appropriate font size, adequate spacing, and a color scheme that doesn’t obscure the content or make it hard to read.

In addition, your content should be easily scannable. Internet searchers are looking for answers. Hopefully, you already know the answers to your customers’ problems. Now, you need to organize that information in a way that visitors can quickly find the information most pertinent to them. Accomplish this by incorporating headers and subheaders and by keeping your paragraphs lean and devoid of too much filler content.

Website Design That Looks Old and Outdated

Whether it’s right or wrong, if your website looks out-of-date and obsolete, it becomes a poor reflection on your business as a whole. Customers can quickly become disinterested when visiting an antiquated looking webpage. Your website should consistently be updated and improved. If that doesn’t appear to be the case for your website, customers might leave and look for a business whose site does a better job of bringing them through the sales funnel.

Ruby Porter is a full service digital marketing and advertising agency in Eugene, Oregon that works with clients all over the country. We're here to share our best tips and favorite trends for SEO, marketing, website and app user design. Contact us to see how we can help boost your brand!

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