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At this time, we are no longer accepting new clients, new hires, or internships as we focus on our current clients and the growth of our sister company, Partnered Solutions IT. If you're a design agency interested in partnering with Partnered Solutions IT, or if you have IT clients in need of support, please feel free to reach out. For hosting, email, or DNS support, contact us at:

Holidays can be a useful tool to use in social media marketing campaigns for a number of reasons. It helps personalize a campaign, makes it easy-to-share and uses trending topics in the online sphere. In fact, a lot of marketers…


Since websites are becoming more image-rich, the need for high-quality original photos has increased. However, large files can cause your website to load slower and thus drive traffic away. To help our clients, friends and followers of this blog to…


Nowadays it’s more important than ever to have quality original photos on your website. Whether you’re a construction business or a clothing boutique, people want to see photos of your work. Having a gallery section of nice photos on your…


Is your business struggling to get found online? Are you still showing up on page 3 or later on a Google search? If so, this blog is for you. Boost your search engine rankings with some advice from an SEO…


First off, a responsive website is a web design that is optimized across a variety of platforms (desktops, mobile phones, tablets, etc.) with minimal scrolling, panning, and resizing. With key updates to Google’s algorithm and an overall increase in the use of…

5 Important Aspects of Logo Design

One of the many services we provide here at Ruby Porter Marketing and Design is logo design and rebranding. So, for this month’s blog, we’d like to touch on some of the most important aspects of a logo design. By mastering these…
