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At this time, we are no longer accepting new clients, new hires, or internships as we focus on our current clients and the growth of our sister company, Partnered Solutions IT. If you're a design agency interested in partnering with Partnered Solutions IT, or if you have IT clients in need of support, please feel free to reach out. For hosting, email, or DNS support, contact us at:

Delta Sand & gravel

Delta Sand & Gravel offers a full line of aggregate products for residential and commercial customers. They also have a year-round, all-weather construction and demolition landfill.


Website Design

Launched January 17, 2023

We did a one-to-one rebuild for this website.

We rebuilt this website for improved performance and functionality. Because of our deftness, we had a super quick turnaround time allowing the client to continue online business with no interruptions.

How can we help you reach your community?