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At this time, we are no longer accepting new clients, new hires, or internships as we focus on our current clients and the growth of our sister company, Partnered Solutions IT. If you're a design agency interested in partnering with Partnered Solutions IT, or if you have IT clients in need of support, please feel free to reach out. For hosting, email, or DNS support, contact us at:

Rogue Medical Solutions

Rogue Medical Solutions, LLC is a physician-owned company which is partnering with Doctella to develop guidelines based electronic based patient and practice navigation for urologic medical conditions.


Website Design

Rogue Medical Solutions - web design
Launched September 19, 2018
Rogue Medical Solutions - web design

Our web design strategy involves a lot more than just aesthetic. We take user experience seriously.

The navigator application utilizes the Doctella platform to provide patient education and evidence-based guideline navigation through an electronic interface to enhance patient compliance, improve operational efficiencies and provide appropriately timed interventions and new therapeutic alternatives to patients with urologic conditions.

Use of the platform can aid nurse navigators, nurses and providers to care for patients with urologic conditions.

Rogue Medical Solutions - web design
Rogue Medical Solutions - web design
Rogue Medical Solutions - web design - mobile view

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