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Digital Marketing in the Age of Corona

In the digital marketing age, things move at the speed of light. Add COVID into the mix, and all of the sudden, people have taken to virtual spaces like never before. Here at Ruby Porter, we pride ourselves in innovative…

The Do’s and Don’ts of Video Conferencing

Here at Ruby Porter, the vast majority of our staff has started working from home this week, in response to the you-know-what. Yeah, we’re talking about Virustime—and not the kind your computer gets. As a result, we have spent a…

The Do’s and Don’ts for Responding to Online Reviews

While reviews are often a business owner’s least favorite reading material, it is vital to your brand reputation to understand the best way to respond to online reviews—both the good and the bad. Quite a bit of material is already…

Social Media for Small Businesses in 2019

Last week, our Vice President Bob Clarke gave a workshop on social media for the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce's Business Boot Camp. He covered the basics of various social media channels, the audiences you can reach via each channel,…

Three Big Strategies to Improve Your Copywriting

Perhaps you are looking to become a copywriter, or get your foot in the door with a digital marketing agency via content marketing. You will probably be asked to submit a writing sample—but grammar and spelling mistakes can be a…

Five Tips for Visualizing SEO Data

There are plenty of tools out there that enable digital marketers to analyze a website’s search results and rankings. However, demonstrating and visualizing that data to clients could very well be considered an art form. Understanding the story the data…

Comparing PPC Ads vs. Organic SEO

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising vs. Organic SEO The search engine has evolved significantly since the days of AltaVista and Ask Jeeves. Now, Google searches account for 74.28% of all desktop web searches, and 80.82% of all mobile searches. With voice searches…

The Modern Day Pop-up: Tech, trends, and best practices

Ugh, I hate pop-ups. When most people hear the word “pop-up,” they think of old-school gray boxes with bright icons and buttons flashing “You WIN! Click here!”. It is no wonder then, that when asked, no user enthusiastically embraces the…
